Tuesday, June 29, 2021



Thursday, June 17, 2021

My voki tips

 We have been learning to use Voki to share our learning on our blog. If you click this link, you can make your own Voki. My Voki is to help me remember what to put in a quality blog post.

I think this activity was very fun because we got to choose are character and change their hair and the backround give it a try if you want. comment down blow and tell me how fun it was and if yours is better then mine.  

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

my story


My story: It was a beautiful day in minecraft. I made a plane and the first place I went to was Afrika. To see the giant elephants and to eat their good cooked chickens so i don’t get food poisoning. After that I went to Australia. To see and play with Lazarbeam. Then I went to the north of Australia. To see the crocodiles and snakes, frogs and turtles.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Awesome art learning

 I have been learning about what an Identity is for our new Term Two topic. First our teacher toke a pothe of us then printed it out then we had to color the hool back of the paper then color in the black spaces with pen then tape it to another peace of paper then take the tape of and it shows you. 

I did not like it because i dislike coloring.

 Are you going to give it a go?